EUにおけるTraffic Light Systemによるリスク評価





Member States shall take the appropriate measures, in order to structure their approach to risk compliance in accordance with the following principles:
(a) Low-risk zone: the competent authorities of the Member States may not dedicate additional compliance resources to further review the transfer pricing results. Notwithstanding this, the competent authorities of the Member States shall retain the right to perform transfer pricing adjustments of the profit margins of the taxpayer that falls within the low-risk zone.
(b) Medium-risk zone: the competent authorities of the Member States may monitor the results, using available data, and contact the taxpayer, to seek a better understanding of its circumstances before deciding whether to allocate compliance resources to carrying out risk assessments and audits.
(c) High-risk zone: the competent authorities of the Member States may recommend that the taxpayer reviews its transfer pricing policies and may decide to initiate a review or audit.